Timelines Re-visited

Storyline - a proposed service in 2009 and the current Facebook Template for a Timeline

So it seems that Facebook is finally taking it’s Timelines feature out of Beta (now in full production mode) and pretty soon is going to be forcing those of us who haven’t bothered to changeover, to have one. Why have they devoted so much energy to this seemingly trivial feature… and what happened to those services that already existed for creating personal timelines? About 3 years ago I did do some research into the ‘Timeline’ services available on the internet with a view to developing a standalone service for a major broadcaster. So what insights does that give me?

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Wednesday, January 11th, 2012 interface design, opinions, social media, Technology 0 Comments

TV or Not TV

Apple TV's Interface for Surfing the Web TV offerings

All I want for Xmas is … well something better than my Apple TV! I’m kinda kicking myself that no sooner had I decided I would NOT take the plunge and get Sky installed OR Virgin … then Virgin announced that they were shipping TiVo boxes as their response to Sky+! I’ve always been a massive fan of TiVo and to date I think it has given me the best experience that broadcast programming could offer me: TiVo went off and found what I liked and then I could watch it when I liked and pause / fast forward / rewind at will. I even liked the cute ‘tic-toc’ sounds the UI made. However, as a result of my non-decisions, what I actually HAVE is just a standard Freeview set-up augmented by (in the loosest sense of the word) my Apple TV. I couldn’t see any benefit to BT Vision’s offering no matter how many times I spoke to them or read their spiel online. So all that being said … what would be my ideal set up?

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Tuesday, December 20th, 2011 Technology, TV, Video 1 Comment

Livemusic Presents… The Students Union Urban Tour 2011

Livemusic Presents... The Students Union Urban Tour October 2011 - Click for Photos

The latter half of October saw the more Urban-focused part of the Livemusic Presents… Students Union Tour. This tour featured up-and-coming acts from the Urban-HipHop-Rap-Grime arena including Clement Marfo and the Frontline (since nominated for MTV’s New For 2012) and Stooshe (included in the BBC ‘s Sounds of 2012 listing) These exciting, energetic bands took the stage around six universities in the UK and once again played the final show at the Kings College Students Union – with a surprise guest appearance from Grime veteran Ghetts onstage … and Archbishop Desmond Tutu at the soundcheck (no less!)

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Thursday, November 3rd, 2011 art direction, creative development, livemusic, music 0 Comments

Livemusic Presents… The Students Union Indie Rock Tour 2011

Livemusic Presents... The Students Union Indie Rock Tour 2011 - Click for Photos

The last 2 weeks of September and the first week in Ocotber saw the first leg of the Livemusic Presents … Students Union Tour. In the main this was an indie rock focused tour aimed at bringing new and exciting bands to
the Student population around 20 or so larger universities during the Fresher’s period. The ambitious tour was mainly advertised by flyering in the SUs themselves (and student publications such as Manchester, Birmingham & Sheffield ‘Lint’ magazine) The campaign also featured a small tactical campaign on local radio, and of course across the usual gammut of music magazine such as Q, NME, UnCut, Clash and The Fly Magazine (as well as digital advertising across a couple of their corresponding digital properties – and of course the SU Facebook Groups and Pages!).

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Miles Kane – Rearranged, Inhaled & Up Closer

Miles Kane @KCLSU 16th September 2011

Friday September 16th saw a Miles Kane tour-de-force performance at the semi-legendary Kings College London SU, as part of Livemusic’s inaugural Students Union Winter Tour.
Over 300 pairs of free tickets were given away in a Facebook campaign (with a few extra plugs online, on the radio via X.fm and in the NME) to lucky punters across the UK. The evening was an unqualified success (despite some rogue fire alarm activity) and set the bar for the rest of the SU Tour as it tours through 25 Universities throughout the UK.

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Friday, September 30th, 2011 digital marketing, livemusic, music, Video 0 Comments

Livemusic.fm Revamp

LMFM Banner

Livemusic.fm Upgrade- Click Banner for Slideshow of Screens

The autumn of 2010 saw an enhancement and augmentation of the user based widgets – more Facebook integration, News Feeds, Personalised alerts etc – The Summer of 2011 saw the next release implemented. The user flows have been re-architected and generally there is a much stronger focus on selling tickets and thus wayfinding and promotional messaging to that effect.

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The Only Way is … Facebook!

LMFM on Facebook

The Livemusic.fm Welcome page on Facebook

So yes we’ve had a lot of focus on Facebook recently … from the media industry in general (when was the last time you saw a TV or poster ad with a good old-fashioned but boring simple WWW URL ?) to the specifics of suddenly feeling that the Livemusic “Like” page is a bit ‘unloved’. It wasn’t even that long ago we didn’t have a Facebook ‘Fan’ Page at all (as they were called back in the heady days of 2010!) I think you’d have be living in a cave not to notice that Zuckerberg and pals have been making a serious land-grab for large swathes of cyberspace in the last 18 months or so …

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The Great Escape

Great Escape May 2011

The Great Escape 2011 - Live&Loud Stage

Saturday May 14th 2011 @ The Pav Tav, Brighton … After several weeks of back and forth and furious line-up planning, promoting, working the social media channels (alright mostly Facebook) sorting out a road crew and an AV crew, tussling with the crew over being able to shoot at the venue and a plethora of other issues … the Great Escape Live&Loud stage kicked off! 11 Live bands in just over 12hours – it was an experience. And it has to be said largely a good one!

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Saturday, May 28th, 2011 art direction, livemusic, Video 1 Comment


