digital marketing

Undead Avatars and Digital marketing

Facebook Werewolf Application

Facebook Werewolf Application

No-one has attacked my werewolf for at least 12 months thankfully. That might be because, along with a major purge of people I half knew (or old ex-girlfriends that my wife still had a problem with!) I also had a spring clean of all the useless ‘Web 2.0’ social networking apps that were funny for about 5 seconds. And it got me thinking … now that the buzz has died down somewhat concerning all things Web2.0 – what does social networking & user generated content really mean in the context of digital communications campaigns as we come to the end of 2008?

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Sunday, December 28th, 2008 digital branding, digital marketing, opinions No Comments

Gradu8 Online Recruitment Fair

Gradu8 Homepage,  Tuesday 28th October 2008

Gradu8 Homepage, Tuesday 28th October 2008

So the week went off without a hitch despite it being the first time that either side (Glass or TJ) had held one of these events. Sure there were a few teething problems with the Chat application on Monday morning – but pretty much from Monday afternoon onwards it was pretty much plain sailing!

Generally the preliminary results were pretty good – the Online Recruitment Fair had roughly 22,000 visitors, of which 4,000 registered. The conversion rate of the registered was around 13% which meant the target of 500+ applications was reached.

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Tuesday, October 28th, 2008 digital marketing, Web Design No Comments

Digital Branding in the 21st Century

The MyBrand Generation

The MyBrand Generation

Every aspect of the business affects the perception of the brand. So every interaction and “touchpoint” where that experience is generated, must reflect and reinforce the brand. Protecting and managing the brand has therefore become a fundamental task for any business.

Creating and sustaining a consistent brand experience across multiplying and converging channels challenges the way in which today’s organisations manage their brands. The brand is a relationship between the organisation and users, a promise to be fulfilled and an on-going experience, often co-created by the user. For example, the look and feel of a website and the level of customer service it offers are both perceived as one by online customers.

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