Brief : To produce an online video giving advice to a youth audience as to how best to enjoy the Festival experience, and to re-design theSite.org to look more contemporary and give a sense of a real-life 'Youth' community. .
Overview : The video was commissioned by Youthnet for theSite.org and was shot on location during 1-day. The subsequent video was edited into 5 segments and dispersed over the internet ahead of the Festival Season. theSite.org featured the video and it was syndicated to Google & MSN Video - as well as released on YouTube.
As for the site re-design, it was decided very early on that the images should reflect the same tone and authenticity as the user-generated avatars in the chat-rooms. Consequently the main photographic imagery featured a variety of ‘real people’ from the actual user audience themselves, thus delivering a level of credibility, authenticity and resonance with the target demographic that would not have been possible using models or stock photography.
Results : Since launch the site traffic and user base has significantly grown by around 10-15% and much of the positive feedback has been centred around the visual design. the video generated additional significant traffic and over 100,000 views, and has led the way for theSite.org informational video features.