A&O Graduate wins its first award

Allen & Overy Graduate Recruitment Website - Click Image for Fullscreen

Well hopefully this will be the first of many – we’ve entered it for a Webby (after getting an Honoree status in 2007) and will prolly enter it for a BIMA later this year. The TARGET graduate awards will also be a stepping stone (again the site as nominated in 2007 but lost out to Clifford Chance). Anyway so far so good – one Graduate award in the bag, The Lawyer HR awards:


From The Lawyer Awards site:
‘AN EXCITING graduate recruitment website is a rare beast, but Allen & Overy’s is the exception.

The site is demonstrably ‘sticky’;the judges enjoyed trying their hands at the online quiz, browsing the blogosphere and watching videos.

Interactivity is key to keeping prospective trainees glued to the screen, something that is all too often forgotten in websites that merely act as repositories of information.

“The quiz is excellent,� raved one judge. “It’s something you could imagine that would go around as part of an email forward or someone would tell their friends to do.�

Finally, the design of the site is slick, professional and very clear.’

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Wednesday, February 18th, 2009 digital marketing, interface design, Uncategorized, Web Design


