Buckle up with Viatel

Banner for Viatel's Next Generation Access Campaign

Creative for Viatel's Next Generation Access Campaign

This is the recent mailer and e-shot I put together for Viatel. Viatel are one of the biggest independent ISP service providers focusing on business-to-business only connectivity and wanted to promote their Next Generation Access platform (part of BT’s 21st Century network program which is launching in early September 2009)

Creative development included several directions. Print art-working’s not quite like riding a bike – more like riding a horse and you have forgotten how it all works. Anyway e-shots and mailers went out the first week of September.

Be interesting to see how effective the campaign is as a whole … Viatel now have a system to work from for the e-shots later in the year and in 1Q10. I kinda like the “Socks” one as well (click the image above) … and may use that for a future magazine ad.

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