A&O Graduate Redux

AO Graduate 2009

AO Graduate 2009

Well it’s with mixed feelings that I had a look at the recent re-vamp of the A&O graduate site – the fourth iteration that I have had some involvement with (if extremely limited this year.)


The long and the short of it is that with the demise of Glass the client felt that they needed to have someone take over the EpiServer CMS support and hosting and I wasn’t able to bring it to my new agency, Skyron. In the end a technical house picked up the support contract and because like most Law firms marketing spend has been cut back enormously .. there really wasn’t an appreciable budget for a re-design this year anyway.

So, other than a new set of photos and a few graphics that’s about it this year. It still looks very fresh though I must say and to some degree I have had the satisfaction of seeing the design framework and rich media modules we set up last year, updated by a third party. And for once they stayed true to the design and didn’t do a bad job at all. I believe ambivalence is the word for feeling tow different things at the same time – namely, proud that we did a good job in setting up the brand and design layouts in such a robust way … but also a bit disappointed I couldn’t really be part of the creative direction (and persuade A&O to go for some new exciting rich media content). Still it’s been a funny yuear all round really in digital.

Fancy a share?

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Monday, September 21st, 2009 creative development, digital branding


