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Whatstax? Website
Brief : Inland Revenue's proposed website to educate 15-19 year olds about taxation needed an eye-catching design whilst being credible with NZ youth and yet still fitting into the IRD 'suite' of websites.
In addition a new brand identity and name was needed for the Inland Revenue's proposed website to educate 15-19 year olds about taxation.
Overview : The user research discovered the target audience didn't trust the original name of "WhatZtax" as it made Inland Revenue look like they were trying too hard and it was decided that "What's Tax?" was a better descriptive term.
Photography for the new offering was specially commissioned to allow representation of the ethnic make-up of New Zealand youths (from Maori, Pacific Islander, Asian and European).
The photographic imagery was integrated into the website & promotional posters, whilst a new graphic device was developed that would appeal to the teen audience.
For the layout design a simple boxed site design was chosen to break down the content into easily digested 'chunks' and some fun features such as a background image swapper were added - the designs and features were all validated in user research sessions with the target audience.
Results :: Feedback from the user group and IRD field agents has been very positive - something that had not previously been achieved. The brand design has been used on posters, rulers, stickers, folders and mouse mats to promote awareness of 'Whatstax?'
Credits : Lead Designer