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Camden Smokefree & Camden Provider Services
Brief : Camden PCT NHS required branding, layouts and creative concepts to be developed for both Camden Provider Services and Camden SmokeFree initiatives. A visual identity was needed for Provider Services which worked within the context of the NHS, and a creative 'positioning' was needed for Camden Smokefree which, while adhering to National Smokefree brand guidelines, set the Camden offering apart.
Overview : Moving the NHS towards more contemporary digital design values, usability, and a more online savvy audience was at the heart of both the solutions. Designs and layouts therefore used richer palettes, striking imagery &/or contemporary design flourishes to give both the sites depth and impact. The sites also needed to convey a sense for 'real people' - for Provider Services this was in the form of commissioned, specifically art-directed photography; while additional targeted messaging and hard-hitting AV content was directed for the SmokeFree website.
As well as the visual brand challenges a ‘creative theme’ was needed to set the SmokeFree offering apart. Much work was done on moodboarding and brainstorming to come up with both a visual theme and something that could be expressed in the wording and copy. Thus the concept of inside.outside.everywhere was created which allowed the positioning of all the content under these broad headings – from AV, to factual and informational. inside deals with the issues caused to the individual by smoking, outside deals with the issues and concerns of others (from family, to NHS staff and Council cleaning services) through to everywherewhich dealt with the wider implications of 3rd world crop-growing policies, child-labour and gangland crime caused by buying counterfeit cigarettes.
The Camden SmokeFree site was launched in early October 2008, whilst the Camden PCT site was launched in early March.
Results : Both sites have been well received. Moving into the second phase of the Camden Smokefree project, this will be mainly aimed at the disenfranchised hard to reach 18-24 year olds. This second phase, coupled with a video blog aimed at publishing stories of those that have quit (or are undergoing the "quit process" treatments), will be launched in early January 2009.
Credits : Creative Director / Art Director