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BBC Three 'Blobs" Campaign
Brief : In early 2003 the BBC was launching a new youth digital channel aimed at 18-35 year olds - BBC Three. The brand idents included the award-winning Aardman animated 'Blobs' and it was decided that these would largely take on the BBC Three brand personality for all the online offerings.
Overview : From the BBC Three main website, Blob based Flash games, Blob Screensavers and Blob Movies were offered to BBC online users. Users were also invited to download the "BlobMate". BlobMate was an interactive desktop buddy that included the three Blob Flash games and alerted users to upcoming BBC Three programming on a daily basis, as well as generally causing a nuisance and appearing on screen to make rude/strange noises (when activated by the user!). BlobBert, BlobLander and BlobO Flash games were all based on classic retro-arcade games, but executed using the Blobs as the main character and had input from the main Aardman animater Stefan Marjoram. Flash-based screensavers were also executed using the Blobs and the signature theme tune "Three is the magic Number". The creative was worked out in a number of workshops with the BBC marketing team, the channel controller Stuart Murphy, and Fallons (the agency doing the TV promo trails and poster campaign).
Results : Over 100 000 people downloaded the BlobMate, BlobMovies, BlobScreensaver or played the Blob Games in the first month of launch. The Blobs were a central part of the online branding and personality of BBC Three until the entire channel was re-branded in the Spring of 2008.
Credits : Creative Director