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Nokia BlackBox Mystery
Brief : Nokia wished to follow up the success of their previous interactive Flash gaming produced by Fallon's owned agency Hyper Happen. We were tasked to produce an award winning film-noir interactive online game featuring the Nokia 500 Personal Navigation Device - Nokia's entry into the Sat Nav market. The video feature was to be intriguing and extensive - and would be influenced by the film-noir genre and more modern über-cool influences such as Rian Johnson's "Brick".
Overview : A treatment for the video feature was scripted by Hyper, and a high quality film was scheduled to be shot in Hungary. Whilst in Hungary, additional material was developed by the Digital team for inclusion into the end feature. The film was subsequently edited together in 4 sections for the Flash interactive movie- from which the user was required to gather clues throughout each section to enter co-ordinates into the PND to reach the next section.
The game also featured a 3D Product demo, a competition and a few 'Easter Eggs' hidden throughout the feature. As well as developing the layout designs, the interface and interaction architecture and the Flash construct; the work also included a digital marketing strategy, devising a competition mechanic, development of intro sequences and a teaser video for an online 'seeding' strategy, and narrative storyboarding of the extra material. The project was executed and all assets (including the digital marketing collateral) were delivered in seven additional foreign languages (Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese). The main campaign and competition ran from March 2008 - September 2008
Results : Over 100,000 users played the game - some even got the Easter Egg! Nokia Blackbox Mystery was entered for the 2008 BIMA Awards
Credits : Creative Director / Narrative Development