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BP e-dentity
Brief : To aid roll-out of the new brand, an 'e-dentity' extranet was needed for the inhouse teams and 3rd party agencies - to facilitate a consistent implementation of the brand collateral, brand architecture and digital representations. This project covered high-level branding issues, and required developing a bespoke e-branding tool to roll out the new brand to all the relevant areas of BP and it's subsidiaries.
Overview : Working in conjunction with the branding agency LANDOR in San Francisco, the extranet was developed to be a digital reference repository of all the guidelines and templates needed to extend the brand into the digital space. These areas included aspects such as configuration, typography, graphical usage, colour palettes, motion and technical implementation.
Results : The site was delivered as an extranet and rolled out to all areas of BP which were re-designing their sites in line with the launch of the new brand in July 2000.
Credits : Lead Designer / Digital Brand Strategist
BP Investor Centre
Brief : As part of the move to re-position BP to be a greener, cleaner entity - the corporate reporting investor site was scheduled for a re-design & publishing of the corporate results in March 2000. As part of the re-branding and the re-positioning to cleaner, greener fuels the "Earth 911" campaign had to be integrated into the main bp.com site design
Overview : Using the colour schemes of the forthcoming brand re-launch the bright, clean palettes formed a central part of the site. A complex set of investor tools and comprehensive navigation gave the site a whole new paradigm in usability and functionality. The Earth 911 campaign was integrated into the main site design and structure and the new BP 'Helios' brand incorporated throughout all of BP's online offerings
Results : The BP Investor Site won the Best Investor Site at the 2000 Corporate Investor Society awards.
Credits : Lead Designer