Brief : Develop a series of striking print ads for Kerrang & NME and other music based magazines to promote brand awareness of LMFM.
Overview : These ads were developed for a variety of formats from quarter page, to half-page and full page ads that ran in the music glossies over the winter of 2010-2011. The creative followed a number of directions that encouraged punters to go to more live music gigs, get involved with LMFM in writing reviews, commenting on bands and blogs, and of course buying tickets through the LMFM site. The ads needed to be intelligent, but simple and striking, and a number of routes were explored during several campaigns (including a festive themed ad for the NME Xmas special).
Results : Site traffic to LMFM increased by 50% during this period (in conjunction with SEO enhancements) - more importantly the revenue from ticket sales dramatically increased. The photography used in the two people-based NME ads was commissioned alternately from Everynight Photography (who specialise in live music / event photography) and Richard Johnson - an NME photographer.