Brief : Develop a series of striking print ads for Kerrang & NME and local music based magazines to promote brand awareness of Live&Loud.com and encourage more bands to sign up to the service.
Overview : These ads were developed for a variety of formats from quarter page, to half-page and full page ads that ran in the national and local music mags (including Bristol, Birmingham, Oxford, Brighton and Reading). The creative followed several directions that needed to attract both punters (gig-goers) and bands themselves to play the gigs. The ads needed to be intelligent, but simple and striking, and a number of routes were explored during several campaigns in the winter of 2010.
Results : Band sign-ups increased over the winter period and gig audiences also saw an increase in the five locales. The Winter Special gig resulted in some great AV footage for further promotional usage - and this has been continued at the Summer Special at The Great Escape, Brighton. The photography used in the NME ads was supplied by Everynight Photography who specialise in live music and music event photography. In addition the gigs have generated some unique videos for the LiveandLoudTV channel on YouTube.