Brief : HTC were looking to enter the Smartphone market in the autumn of 2009 and were seeking an agency to produce an award winning campaign centred around the basic premise of the HTC Tattoo being simple to use, cheaper than the dominant uber-brands, and customizable. The campaign was to deliver print ads, 48 & 96-sheet posters as well as digital advertising, a cinema ad and a campaign microsite.
Overview : The target demographic was identified as 16 - 25 year olds who were tech savvy but not necessarily affluent, and the central concept of being about their 'world' was developed. This filtered through into the over-arching brand concepts of 'quietly brilliant' and the ability to 'do everything' with their mobile device. Two concepts were developed 'It's all About You' and 'Simply do it all'. The 'All About you' was modified into 'It's Just a Part of You' ...
Results : In the end HTC Worldwide brand-team decided to umbrella ALL the HTC devices under the über-brand of 'A phone that gets YOU'. It must be stated that this was not disclosed when we were developing these concepts and that the 'YOU' device was an astonishing coincidence. In the end the HTC Tattoo was not individually targeted at the youth demographic.