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Glass Boutique
Brief : "As Baudelaire ram raids a post-modern dandy Tesco's, the Boutique has fused the vintage with Oscar Wilde's ghost of the future. The Dandy of the Underworld is alive and riding the White Swan into the Dog and Duck."
Glass Boutique was a start-up venture designed to sell cutting-edge Scandinavian designed high fashion clothing and accessories to a predominantly male 18 - 35 ABC1, digital savvy audience.
Overview : From the branding stationery to Website design and concept, Flash programming and information Architecture - all were developed in a very short period over 3 months from June to September 2006. Because this was a self-contained piece of work with a small-team, rapid development and prototyping on the OSCommerce platform was a viable working process.
The result was fully-working e-commerce site which sells cutting-edge Scandinavian designed high fashion. The site runs yearly T-Shirt design competitions and has been refreshed several times and is now in its 3rd iteration of design. The site also features a Blog and a Retailer's Showroom (Extranet) for showing off next seasons fashions to some of the retail and wholesale clients - which include Urban Outfitters, Whistles and Selfridges.
Results :Glass Boutique has developed into viable online business and the fashion store has had stalls in Selfridges and some of the brands introduced to the UK by the Boutique are now appearing in Whistles and Urban Outfitters. A loyal online audience generates significant revenue online and was acquired from scratch with SEO and aligning to fashion and T-shirt design blogs such as threadless.com The Summer T-Shirt Competition provides design input and a 'buzz' that helps launch new T-shirt brands and designs, while über-cool Scandinavian, English and Japanese brands provide jeans, shoes, jackets & coats, knitwear and general accessories such as bags and shoes.
Credits : Art Director / Designer